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July 17, 2024

Learn Why Jones Dairy Farm Makes the Best Dry Aged Bacon

Jones Dairy Farm is your destination for the finest dry aged bacon. If you’re seeking bacon that bursts with rich flavor and offers a tender yet firm texture, you’re in the right place. In this post, we delve into what makes Jones dry aged bacon exceptional and why Jones Dairy Farm should be your top choice for premium bacon.

What is Dry Aged Bacon?

Dry aging is a time-consuming yet crave-worthy technique that elevates bacon to a whole new level. But what exactly does this process involve, and why is it so special?

Dry aging involves hanging bacon in a controlled environment for an extended period, sometimes weeks instead of hours. During this time, moisture is gradually drawn out, concentrating the flavor and enhancing its taste and tenderness. The result is a rich, authentic, incredibly flavorful bacon.

One key feature of dry aged bacon is its intense flavor profile. The longer the bacon is aged, the more pronounced the flavor becomes. This makes it a favorite among bacon aficionados who appreciate its depth and complexity.

At Jones Dairy Farm, we meticulously age our bacon to perfection in a special drying aging room. Each slice is packed with flavor and strikes the perfect balance between tenderness and crispiness. It’s a custom dry aging process that takes a little more time but creates bacon that stands out from the rest.

Why Choose Jones Dairy Farm for Dry Aged Bacon

Jones Dairy Farm is dedicated to delivering the highest quality and most flavorful dry aged bacon on the market. The company’s commitment to excellence ensures that you receive the best bacon experience possible. The Jones unique dry aging process is not the only thing that sets its bacon apart. Here is how Jones Dry-Aged Bacon is made so special:

  • Jones uses fresh, high quality, center-cut pork bellies that are never frozen. Center cut means it’s a leaner, meatier section of the pork belly. 
  • Jones Dry Aged Bacon is cured using a century old Jones family crafted brine that is blended onsite at Jones Dairy Farm resulting in a consistent brine every time.
  • Jones Dry Aged Bacon is naturally smoked in small batches over real hickory or cherrywood chips for up to 12 hours. Unlike many other bacon brands, injected or sprayed-on liquid smoke are never used. 
  • Jones air-chills the bacon before it’s pressed or blocked. Most commercial brands use the brine-chill method. This air chilling process takes hours instead of just minutes but doesn’t give that chemical/overly salty flavor that often results in brine chilling.
  • As discussed above, Jones Bacon undergoes a meticulous dry aging process that enhances its flavor and tenderness resulting in bacon that is rich, savory, and bursting with umami flavors.
  • Jones also prioritizes sourcing its ingredients. For example, the company believes great bacon starts with only the highest quality pork bellies. That’s why Jones has partnered with Wholestone Farms, a unique company proudly owned by 235 multigenerational farm families across the Midwest. Learn more about Wholestone Farms here.

When you choose Jones Dairy Farm bacon, you can trust that you’re getting a product crafted with passion and expertise. Jones dedication to quality, a custom dry aging process, and commitment to sourcing the finest meat, all come together to create a standout choice for bacon lovers everywhere.

Elevate your breakfasts, sandwiches, or any recipe that calls for bacon, with Jones dry aged bacon, and experience the difference that comes from years of expertise and a commitment to quality.

Check out Jones Dry Aged Bacon offerings here.

Discover dozens of delicious bacon recipes here.

3 High Protein Breakfasts with 20+ Grams of Protein

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