Questions, Meet Answers
We know you have questions, and we’re eager to provide you with answers. Below, you’ll find a selection of the questions we hear most often.
If you don’t find the answers you’re looking for here, or if you’d like to speak to someone directly about how we can help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Jones products do not add any of the top nine allergens identified in the US including milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, crustacean shellfish, wheat, sesame, and soy. They are produced in a nut-free and gluten-free facility. Scrapple is the only exception, which contains wheat and is manufactured in a separate facility.
Our all natural, in-house blended spices are proprietary recipes that we’ve kept close to us since the beginning. If you have a concern about a specific spice, please call our customer service number 800-635-6637 or email us at [email protected] and we’ll provide the information you need.
Our products are available at retail stores across the country. Find one near you using our Product Finder. If you’re unable to find a particular product, please call Customer Service at 800-635-6637 for assistance. If you live near our hometown of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, we encourage you to stop by our retail store, the Jones Market. We’d love to meet you!
We have great news! Jones bacon is now back on store shelves. It is not available everywhere, please check our Product Finder to find our bacon at a store near you.
Yes! Please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the address below, and we’ll be happy to mail you our current coupons.
Jones Dairy Farm
Attn: Coupon Department
800 Jones Avenue
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538
Yes! All of our products, except for scrapple made in Bridgeville, Delaware, are certified gluten free. We are certified by the Gluten Free Food Program (GFFP). You can learn more about our commitment to customers who live a gluten-free lifestyle here.
Being Certified Gluten Free means added assurance for customers looking for safe and reliable gluten free products. We chose to partner with the Gluten Free Food Program (GFFP) because they have the most strict and comprehensive certification program in the industry. This requires all certified products be tested and contain 5ppm (parts-per-million) or fewer of gluten. GFFP’s strict guidelines ensure members of the celiac community and those who require gluten-free products for other health reasons have products they can trust.
No. Raw breakfast sausage must be cooked on the stovetop or in the oven.
We are located in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. All of our manufacturing is done on the original land where it all started and within one mile of our iconic Farmhouse, found in our logo. Scrapple is the only exception, currently produced in Bridgeville, Delaware.
If fully cooked sausage product, such as our fully cooked Golden Brown sausage links or patties, then thawed product from a frozen state should be consumed within 7 days. If raw product, such as our Roll sausage or All Natural Pork Links, then thawed product should be consumed within 2 days.
The preferred cooking method for our pre-cooked sausage is on the stove-top. However, if heating our pre-cooked sausage in a microwave, ensure you adjust the power level down to 50% or 60% depending on the product. Follow the times indicated on the back of the package. Do not cook raw sausage in the microwave.
Yes, our Canadian bacon is fully cooked and can be eaten directly out of the package. It does need to be refrigerated.
Our sausage can be found in the freezer section because we do not use any artificial preservatives. Freezing it at peak freshness keeps the flavor without adding in any artificial ingredients. We use fresh, never frozen meat in our products and strive for best in class quality.
Our fully cooked sausages are oven baked and do not use any oil.
The main difference between cured and uncured items is that cured meats use chemical, man-made preservatives like sodium nitrite, while meats labeled as “uncured” rely on natural preservatives, such as celery powder and sea salt.
Uncured ham and bacon are still cured, just in a more natural way. Products labeled as “uncured” — such as Jones Dairy Farm’s Uncured Canadian Bacon — use vegetables and fruits like celery or cherry, which transform into nitrite when processed.
Since nitrite isn’t added as an independent ingredient, these products are considered “uncured” and labeled as “No Nitrates or Nitrites Added.” It’s important to note that these products are not nitrate or nitrite-free. The molecules simply come from natural sources like celery powder, rather than man-made sodium nitrite and other manufactured chemicals.
Canadian bacon is made from pork loin, the back of the pig. Ham comes from the back legs or butt.
As it’s already cooked and sliced, it’s perfect for breakfasts, snacks and quick, convenient meals.
You can buy our products through our online store however shipping costs are high depending on your location.
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Yes, but ham is at its best quality when it is fresh, never frozen. Freezing breaks down the structure of a ham, making it less juicy when cooked.
That said, enjoying a frozen ham beats no ham at all, so if you do need to freeze a ham to extend the life of the product, be sure to get it in the freezer before the USE/FRZ by date on the package. The longer a ham is frozen, the lower the ham’s quality will be so we don’t advise keeping it frozen for more than 6 months.
Read more about our Sustainability and animal welfare here.
mRNA animal vaccines are not currently available on the open market or approved for use in the US. Vaccines currently approved for use in livestock do not contain mRNA technology.
According to the North American Meat Institute, “Livestock are not vaccinated against COVID-19. There are different types of vaccine platforms, but regardless of vaccine type, vaccine components, especially RNA, are digested or broken down and do not persist in animal cells. Livestock vaccines undergo rigorous safety studies and are approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Center for Veterinary Biologics. Vaccines are important for safeguarding animal health and well-being, keeping the food supply safe, and protecting U.S. livestock from emerging and foreign diseases. There is ongoing research around the world developing mRNA vaccines for highly contagious foreign animal diseases which could potentially benefit livestock in the future. However, these vaccines are not approved or available in the U.S. currently for use. With all vaccination of livestock, there are withdrawal times to ensure products are safe for human consumption by waiting a specific amount of time between when an animal is vaccinated and when it enters the food supply.”